How the best minds of Hollywood influence cultural perception, and acceptance (or not) of UFOs and alien encounters.
Rediscovering Billy Meier with Brit Elders & Paola Harris
The breathtaking images, profound words of the Pleiadians, and the extensive investigation (by Brit Elders, Lee Elders, Thom Welch, and Wendelle Stevens) that spanned seven years are as relevant today as they were forty-five years ago.
The Day the Earth Stood Still — Inspired by the Case of Val Thor
AI has always been a part of our world. Below we revisit the messages of the 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still in Klaatu’s final speech, with robot Gort.
Master Class: The AI Ufologist with Ryan Wood and Paola Harris
Embark on an enthralling journey where the enigmatic world of UFOs/UAPs and extraterrestrial life collides with the frontiers of our modern society, economy, and technology, all under the transformative lens of artificial intelligence (AI). Reimagine your understanding of UFOs and their significance in our lives. Prepare to be astonished!
Special Event: Discover Schumann Resonance
Sunday, January 21, 2024. Discover our Oneness with Earth. Schumann Resonance enhances the body’s natural healing processes and reduces stress and inflammation. It has been linked to improved cognitive functions, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced immune function, sleep function, and much more.
Master Class: Remote Viewing with Russell Targ
Saturday, Dec 9. Explore the evidence of psychic powers and learn the skills of remote viewing from the masters for yourself. Russell Targ has been successfully teaching people how to tap into their psychic abilities since 1972 when he cofounded a CIA-sponsored ESP research program at Stanford Research Institute. Expand your mind’s eye beyond physical location.
Master Class: The Mandela Effect
Sunday, Nov 19. Could immediate evolutionary improvements, instantaneous geographic changes, and miraculous spontaneous healing—including recovery from death—be providing us with clues to essential technology, just when we need it most? Cynthia describes how the Mandela Effect is much more than “false collective memory,” sharing Mandela Effect history, science, language, and exercises.
Master Class: In Search of Val Thor, The Howard Menger Story
Saturday, Oct 28. The Space Brother movement of the 1950’s and 6o’s gave us a wealth of knowledge about messages from space—from nuclear warnings to how we can prolong our lives. Paola Harris shares her “boots on the ground” research into one of the earliest cases of human-type contact — Val Thor: The Howard Menger Story.
Time to Come Together: Message from The 9
Video of Peace Meditation on Mt. Shasta August 26, 2023 Many recent 2023 meditation retreats have shown me that the time is now right to come together for activation and change on planet Earth. The time is right, the people are ready, and we need to make a serious effort at galactic diplomacy. On August 24th, Sarah […]
Master Class: Beyond Oppenheimer to Trinity
Saturday, Sept 16, 2023. Paola Harris shares 10 years of research on the making of the book Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret. This is a 2-hour interactive Master Class. Bring your questions for a lively discussion!
Master Class: Discovering Dr. Michael Wolf Kruvant
Sunday, August 6, 2023. Paola Harris shares her life with Dr Michael Wolf Kruvant including private conversations that were videotaped & audio taped over several months. All participants will receive a video of Dr Wolf talking.
Master Class: Rediscovering Dr. John Mack
July 15, 2023. This class is interactive and participants can ask questions of Paola Harris and members of the John E Mack Institute.