Share International is a world-wide network of volunteers who disseminate information about the presence in the world today of great Spiritual Teachers, led by the World Teacher – Maitreya. The Teachers’ role is to inspire and guide humanity out of its present political, economic, social, environmental and spiritual crisis.
Sponsor: Mysterious World TV
Mysterious World TV brings you streaming high definition videos and DVDs featuring pioneers in their respective fields, prolific published authors, celebrities, lecturers, physicists, adventurers, explorers and theorists — up close and personal.
Sponsor: C.E.R.O.
In 1991, Yvonne Smith founded CERO (Close Encounter Research Organization, later renamed Close Encounter Resource Organization) which provides personal attention and maintains active monthly support group meetings by which Yvonne is able to remain close and supportive. At CERO meetings, PTSD subjects may share their thoughts and feelings about their unusual experiences and any continuing difficulties.
Sponsor: Phoenix MUFON
The Mutual UFO Network Is one of the oldest and largest UFO investigative organizations in the United States. Established as the Midwest UFO Network in Quincy, Illinois, on May 30, 1969, by Walter H. Andrus, Allen Utke, John Schuessler, and others, most of MUFON’s early members had previously been associated with APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization).The organization now has more than 3,000 members worldwide, with a majority of its membership base situated in the continental United States.