Feb 16 Master Class: Grant Cameron presents his newest research on telepathy in Autistic Children and its implications including the work of Diane Hennacy Powell and Ky Dickens, host of The Telepathy Tapes podcast.
In Search of Bigfoot
February 23, 2025 Master Class: Bill Crowley shares his multiple encounters with Bigfoot, some of which are highly unusual!
Meet Mulder!
January 12, 2025 Master Class: Meet Paola Harris’s Research Assistants and learn about the life-changing experiences of their quest for truth and pushing the boundaries of the possible.
The Mind Matrix and How to Begin Connecting with Higher Mind
November 3, 2024 Master Class: A unique opportunity for a conversation with two icons of Consciousness and Ufology, Regina Meredith & Paola Harris, in one Master Class!
Master Class: Using Your Psychic Abilities
August 18, 2024 Master Class: Using Your Psychic Abilities. Desta Barnabe, researcher and the author of A Glimpse into Infinity: Channeled Messages Beyond Time and Mirroring Worlds: Channeled Reflections from Higher Dimensions presents the psychic investigations she conducted using remote viewing and dowsing.
Master Class: A Dialogue with Paola Harris and Grant Cameron
August 3, 2024 Master Class: Consciousness is the glue of the universe. Consciousness is the component that connects all UFO contact. This class is an incredible opportunity for you to hear two researchers share their research and ideas on the role of consciousness in UFO research and data collecting. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to share research that is documented data to say we are closer to shifting dimensions and closer to communications with our Cosmic family.
Master Class: The Latin American Contactees: COSMIC MESSAGES From The Andes
June 20, 2024 Master Class: Paola Harris shares her archive of first-hand experience, photos and international research about the the Cosmic Messages shared with numerous Latin American Contactees including Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez, Enrique Villanueva, Charlie Veronica Paz Wells and more. One hour interactive presentation and one hour of your questions.
Master Class: The Language of the Universe: Dreams, High Strangeness and Synchronicities
July 14, 2024 Master Class: Paola Harris shares her archive of first-hand experience, photos and international research about the the Cosmic Messages shared with numerous Latin American Contactees including Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez, Enrique Villanueva, Charlie Veronica Paz Wells and more. One hour interactive presentation and one hour of your questions.
Master Class: In Search of Val Thor – A Presentation on Human-type Aliens
Saturday, Oct 28. The Space Brother movement of the 1950’s and 6o’s gave us a wealth of knowledge about messages from space—from nuclear warnings to how we can prolong our lives. Paola Harris shares her “boots on the ground” research into one of the earliest cases of human-type contact — Val Thor: The Howard Menger Story.
Master Class: Connecting the Dots: A Journey Through UFOs to Consciousness w Grant Cameron and Paola Harris
March 31, 2024 Master Class: Grant Cameron turned his research to understanding contacts with the intelligence behind UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena, and the true nature of reality.
Hollywood and UFOs with Paul Davids & Paola Harris
How the best minds of Hollywood influence cultural perception, and acceptance (or not) of UFOs and alien encounters.
Rediscovering Billy Meier with Brit Elders & Paola Harris
The breathtaking images, profound words of the Pleiadians, and the extensive investigation (by Brit Elders, Lee Elders, Thom Welch, and Wendelle Stevens) that spanned seven years are as relevant today as they were forty-five years ago.