PRESENTATION “Contact & The Great White Brotherhood from Lake Titicaca”
Saturday, 4-5:30PM
(In Spanish with English Translation)
PANELIST “How Can We Create A Utopian Future?”
Sunday, 3-4:30PM
Luis Fernando is from Bolivia and has much to share with the citizens of the United States about his contact and the messages he is willing to share with us. It is an honor to have him speak here — his very first presentation in the US.
Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens was born in Cochabamba, Bolivia on January 20th, 1964. He studied Architecture and specialized in Art and Antiques Restoration. At present, he has his own construction company in La Paz, Bolivia. He also likes to compose and play New Age electronic music. Luis Fernando is considered one of the most important E.T-contacts of our times. He has experienced many physical encounters with his extraterrestrial guides, who have given him direct guidance and assistance since he was 13, in 1977, when he lived his first contact experience.
He began to share his experiences and knowledge by giving Contact Preparation courses and talks on the subject in many different countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, México, U.S.A. and Bolivia. He has written and published 5 books, in which he shares the nature of his E.T’s contact experiences and the great awakening message he receives from them for these times.
He is one of the few contactees who have demonstrated that his experiences are real by inviting members of the press, some of which work for TASS Agency, to watch “programmed U.F.O. sightings.”
He has been prepared as an Instructor in inner-development techniques in a physical, mental and spiritual level giving courses on the conscientious use of energy and Xolar Initiation. He has promoted the creation of the Continental Platform with preparation centers in Mount Shasta (U.S.A), Copan (Honduras) and Titicaca Lake (Bolivia). His main website is: