August 3, 2024 Master Class: Consciousness is the glue of the universe. Consciousness is the component that connects all UFO contact. This class is an incredible opportunity for you to hear two researchers share their research and ideas on the role of consciousness in UFO research and data collecting. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to share research that is documented data to say we are closer to shifting dimensions and closer to communications with our Cosmic family.
Master Class: The Latin American Contactees: COSMIC MESSAGES From The Andes
June 20, 2024 Master Class: Paola Harris shares her archive of first-hand experience, photos and international research about the the Cosmic Messages shared with numerous Latin American Contactees including Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez, Enrique Villanueva, Charlie Veronica Paz Wells and more. One hour interactive presentation and one hour of your questions.
Master Class: The Language of the Universe: Dreams, High Strangeness and Synchronicities
July 14, 2024 Master Class: Paola Harris shares her archive of first-hand experience, photos and international research about the the Cosmic Messages shared with numerous Latin American Contactees including Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez, Enrique Villanueva, Charlie Veronica Paz Wells and more. One hour interactive presentation and one hour of your questions.
Crestone Retreat: The flow of information…the rating of a planetary awareness
It is truly amazing how a beautiful mountain location and “down time” can bring along transformation. Crestone is the Shambhala of Colorado and Cynthia Sue Larson, Jeff Machala and I found it so easy to create a Dialogue with all the 2024 May Crestone event participants. We felt really relaxed and enlightened. We found many amazing synchronicities among us all and a heightened awareness in that which we call consciousness.
Master Class: In Search of Val Thor – A Presentation on Human-type Aliens
Saturday, Oct 28. The Space Brother movement of the 1950’s and 6o’s gave us a wealth of knowledge about messages from space—from nuclear warnings to how we can prolong our lives. Paola Harris shares her “boots on the ground” research into one of the earliest cases of human-type contact — Val Thor: The Howard Menger Story.
Disclosure Already Happened
Were you really counting on Government Disclosure? It already happened.
On March 8, the US government, through a Pentagon report, stated that there is no evidence of UFOs or aliens, attributing most sightings to misidentification. Read the evidence from the real heroes! PHILIP J. CORSO: “I had the evidence that a crash did happen here…
Master Class: Connecting the Dots: A Journey Through UFOs to Consciousness w Grant Cameron and Paola Harris
March 31, 2024 Master Class: Grant Cameron turned his research to understanding contacts with the intelligence behind UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena, and the true nature of reality.
Crestone Oneness Workshop with Paola Harris, Cynthia Sue Larson & Jeff Machala
Join the conversation about the importance of Oneness in these changing times, and how we can harness our natural gifts and wisely choose the reality we need. A 3-day workshop in Crestone, CO, May 24-26, 2024 with Paola Harris, Cynthia Sue Larson & Jeff Machala. Lectures, meditations & spiritual practices.
Crestone Retreat with Paola Harris and Sarah Breskman Cosme
What can you do to make the world a better place? This unique workshop retreat will be crafted for individual growth beginning with past-life knowledge to see how an individual can make a contribution to the future.
Venusians, Oppenheimer & Einstein — Interview with Paola Harris on Gaia TV Open Minds with Regina Meredith
Did Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer write a letter to Truman about ETs? Host Regina Meredith interviews Paola Harris about Trinity and much more.
The World Youth Conference on UFOs and Consciousness
A Cosmic Vision for Spaceship Earth 3-day Conference for Cosmic Kids ages 13-18 June 21-23, 2024 Longmont, Colorado | $495 “A child’s curiosity about the stars is the first step on a journey of a lifetime of discovery.” –Jane Goodall “If man is to survive, he will have learned to take delight in the essential […]
Breaking News: Paola Harris to Discuss The Amicizia Friendship Case in New YouTube Video
With the death of Gaspare De Lama, the last witness of the incredible events in Pescara, Italy during the 1950s-1970s, it is important to discuss The Amicizia “Friendship” Case that Paola covered in 2013.