Did Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer write a letter to Truman about ETs? Host Regina Meredith interviews international investigative journalist and author Paola Harris about the Trinity case and more.
You can find the episode here: https://bit.ly/PaolaH_on_gaia
Here are a few intriguing questions to pique your interest:
- Did Einstein and Oppenheimer foresee a cosmic influence on our world?
- How are Venutian influences shaping the course of our history, preventing nuclear meltdowns and guarding against multidimensional impacts?
- What secrets lie behind the Hollywood portrayal of Oppenheimer, and how does it align with the real-life events?
“If you’re as fascinated as I am by the intersection of science, spirituality, and extraterrestrial phenomena, this episode is a must-watch! Regina and I uncover perspectives that will challenge your understanding and spark a transformation in your consciousness.” — Paola Harris
Host Regina Meredith interviews thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries, and tireless researchers. Her talk show provides crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding, and transformation.
Discover new perspectives and alternative ideas on science, spirituality, metaphysics, and consciousness.