Lisa Romanek author of From My Side of the Bed: Pulling Back the Covers on Extraterrestrial Contact, A Spouse’s Point of View, is the wife of the well-known extraterrestrial abductee/contactee Stan Romanek.
Lisa realized that there are two sides to every story, two sides of every bed. She has learned the importance of taking that which is personal and at times embarrassing, and turning into that which serves the public— those who have walked in the same slippers that she has as spouses of abduction.
In her book, Lisa takes you on her heart wrenching and at times hilarious journey as the wife of Stan Romanek. Her courage and integrity mix well with her Nebraska born charm. As does her decades of work with the elderly, reflecting the tenderness compassion and warmth she embodies and carries as a spokesperson for those who feel that they are alone in a world of extraterrestrial chaos beyond their control. As the wife of an abductee, and abductee herself, as well as the mother of three children who have been abducted, she has a simple message to share: Live without fear, and love without limit.
Lisa will be available at the 2013 UFO Symposium to sign copies of her book From My Side of the Bed.